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Trolly Dodgers

Owner Dave Matter / Email Team
Manager Dolph Camilli
Stadium Elysian Park
Mascot Happy Feltons' Knothole Gang
Team Motto / Rallying Cry / Fight Song / Favorite Overused Cliché Hit Abe Stark sign and win a suit
Cash Balance* 40843
*In Thousands Click on owner's name to send an email

Instant Messaging/Twitter:

Text trade talk to 330-988-3585


Trades are closed for the season
Roster Limits and Salary Totals Printer friendly roster

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Team History

Franchise Record1179-975 (.547)League Champion: 2016, 2015 
Owner Record223-227 (.496) 3 yearsConference Champion: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012
Most Wins104 (2017)Division Champion: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012
Most Losses86 (2011)Largest Victory Margin: 23 games (2015)Gore Cup Champ: 2018, 2014, 2013; Bottom Feeder Champ: 2010
Federation Champion: 2016
Benchwarmer Bash - Runner Up: 2016

Team Roster - Post Season

Last Updated 2/9/2025 Player information semi-accurate as of 2/8/2025

45-man Roster

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Logan T. AllenCleSP 562713--- 
Luis ArraezSD1B, 2B 32613137--- 
Will BrennanCleOF 749746--- 
Hunter BrownHouSP 25191353--- 
Griffin CanningNYMSP 1473782--- 
Aaron CivaleMilSP 17891050--- 
Emmanuel ClaseCleRP 69563669---2025
Garrett CrochetBosSP 2111143---2025
Yilber DiazAriSP 116100--- 
Christian Encarnacion-StrandCin1B 202315---2025
Sal FrelickMilOF 947248--- 
Luis V. GarciaWas2B 15641138--- 
Austin GomberColSP 16311103--- 
Vaughn GrissomBos2B 123128--- 
Emerson HancockSeaSP 262100--- 
Colin HoldermanPitRP 273281--- 
Jake IrvinWasSP 1878537--- 
Connor JoeSD1B, OF 9451054--- 
Jarred KelenicAtlOF 990794--- 
Mitch KellerPitSP 26202697--- 
Joe KellyFARP 170213--- 
Jared KoenigMilRP 519113--- 
Justin LawrenceColRP 347737--- 
Jose LeclercOakRP 801516--- 
Angel MartinezCleOF3B171100--- 
Parker MeadowsDetOF 388155--- 
M.J. MelendezKCOF 11571438--- 
Dylan MooreSea2B, 3B, SS, OF1B773319--- 
Cedric MullinsBalOF 15931929--- 
Andy PagesLADOF 831100--- 
Jose RamirezCle3B 69905400--- 
Trevor RogersBalSP 1086487--- 
Amed RosarioWas2B, OF3B, SS11952136--- 
Cole SandsMinRP 926105--- 
Cade SmithCleRP 2039100--- 
Tyler SoderstromOak1B 246133--- 
Edmundo SosaPhi2B, 3B, SS 453439--- 
Tyler StephensonCinC 14521080--- 
Alek ThomasAriOF 363829--- 
Ezequiel TovarColSS 35342020--- 
Jose TrevinoCinC 352375--- 
Mark VientosNYM3B 1104245--- 
Matt WaldronSDSP 1239147--- 
Zack WheelerPhiSP 56164301--- 
Gavin WilliamsCleSP 534562--- 

Prospects Roster

These players don't count against your 28-player carryover limit

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Prospect - Justin CrawfordPhiOFx100100--- 
Prospect - Ty MaddenDetRP 100100--- 
Prospect - Chase PettyCinSPx100100--- 

Roster Limits and Salaries

Roster Minimums Roster Maximums
Category Current Value Category Current Value
Minimum Hitters (15) 23 Hitters over 250 (21) 19
Minimum Pitchers (14) 22 Pitchers over 250 (20) 20
Multiposition players - can fill hitter or pitcher role 0 Players over 250 (35) 39
    Players in minor league (10) 0

Total 45-man Roster Size - minimum 29 - maximum 45

These players don't count against your 40-man limit
Players on IR (max 1): 0 Prospects (max 5): 3
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