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D.C. Lobbyists

Owner Jon Swanson / Email Team
Manager Jack Abramoff
Mascot The Bug Killer
Team Motto / Rallying Cry / Fight Song / Favorite Overused Cliché Let's go shoot a quick round of golf at St. Andrew's!
Cash Balance* 50990
*In Thousands Click on owner's name to send an email

Instant Messaging/Twitter:

None listed


Trades are closed for the season
Roster Limits and Salary Totals Printer friendly roster

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Team History

Franchise Record1390-1364 (.505)League Champion: 2021 
Owner Record1390-1364 (.505) 19 yearsConference Champion: 2021, 2014
Most Wins92 (2015, 2012)Division Champion: 2023, 2021, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
Most Losses100 (2011)Largest Victory Margin: 15 games (2014)Bottom Feeder Champ: 2008, 2005

Team Roster - Post Season

Last Updated 2/9/2025 Player information semi-accurate as of 2/8/2025

45-man Roster

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Zack WheelerPhiSP 56164301---2025
Teoscar HernandezLADOF 39333077---2025
Corbin CarrollAriOF 37733286--- 
Jose AltuveHou2B 34742116--- 
Luis ArraezSD1B, 2B 32613137--- 
Gerrit ColeNYYSP 27646400--- 
Jeremy PenaHouSS 27112140---2025
Griffin JaxMinRP 1833769--- 
Colin ReaChCSP 1700592--- 
Taylor RogersCinRP 16531006--- 
Ha-seong KimTBSS 15842452--- 
David BednarPitRP 15253051--- 
Hunter RenfroeKCOF 12371658--- 
Tyler RogersSFRP 12341109--- 
Dane DunningTexSP 11632346--- 
David PetersonNYMSP 1099788--- 
Ryan JeffersMinC 1082671---2025
Ke'Bryan HayesPit3B 10231642--- 
Rowdy TellezFA1B 10151004--- 
Josh RojasCWS3B2B962957--- 
Starling MarteNYMOF 9581129--- 
Bryse WilsonCWSRP 734760--- 
Ryan PresslyChCRP 7321727--- 
Edward CabreraMiaSP 697749--- 
Ryne StanekNYMRP 664627--- 
Christian VazquezMinC 653834--- 
Royce LewisMin3B 640377--- 
Cooper CriswellBosSP 518133--- 
Edmundo SosaPhi2B, 3B, SS 453439--- 
David FestaMinSP 349100--- 
Alex KirilloffRetOF1B341551--- 
Brett BatyNYM3B 322537--- 
Willie CalhounFA1B 314203--- 
Garrett MitchellMilOF 265100--- 
Quinn PriesterBosSP 211132--- 
D.L. HallMilSP 200100--- 
Jordan BeckColOF 177100--- 
Zebby MatthewsMinSP 107100--- 
Slade CaldwellAriOFx100100--- 
Diego CartayaMinC 100100--- 
Cam CollierCin3Bx100100--- 
Yanquiel FernandezColOF 100100--- 
Jacob GonzalezCWSSSx100100--- 
Hurston WaldrepAtlSP 100100--- 
Jett WilliamsNYMSSx100100--- 

Prospects Roster

These players don't count against your 28-player carryover limit

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Prospect - Charlie CondonColOFx100100--- 
Prospect - Kaelen CulpepperMinSSx100100--- 
Prospect - Colson MontgomeryCWSSS 100100--- 
Prospect - Matt ShawChCSSx100100--- 
  Match Is Simple

Roster Limits and Salaries

Roster Minimums Roster Maximums
Category Current Value Category Current Value
Minimum Hitters (15) 26 Hitters over 250 (21) 19
Minimum Pitchers (14) 19 Pitchers over 250 (20) 15
Multiposition players - can fill hitter or pitcher role 0 Players over 250 (35) 34
    Players in minor league (10) 0

Total 45-man Roster Size - minimum 29 - maximum 45

These players don't count against your 40-man limit
Players on IR (max 1): 0 Prospects (max 5): 4
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