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Titan Rockets

Owner David Henning / Email Team
Manager Goddard
Stadium Saturn Ring Stadium
Mascot Booster
Team Motto / Rallying Cry / Fight Song / Favorite Overused Cliché If we can get off the ground, we'll go far!
Cash Balance* 41430
*In Thousands Click on owner's name to send an email

Instant Messaging/Twitter:

None listed


Trades are closed for the season
Roster Limits and Salary Totals Printer friendly roster

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Team History

Franchise Record455-349 (.566)League Champion: 2023

Owner Record455-349 (.566) 6 yearsConference Champion: 2023, 2018
Most Wins90 (2018)Division Champion: 2023, 2022, 2020, 2018
Most Losses74 (2021)Largest Victory Margin: 22 games (2018) 

Team Roster - Post Season

Last Updated 2/9/2025 Player information semi-accurate as of 2/8/2025

45-man Roster

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Graham AshcraftCinSP 6891252--- 
Cameron CaminitiAtlSPx100100--- 
Triston CasasBos1B 6311108--- 
Colton CowserBalOF 1270100--- 
J.P. CrawfordSeaSS 15602812--- 
Mauricio DubonHou1B, 2B, OF3B10981200--- 
Adam DuvallFAOF 7281061--- 
Bryce ElderAtlSP 7381779--- 
Carlos EstevezKCRP 11901346--- 
Wilmer FloresSF1B 7111496--- 
Jake FraleyCinOF 812803--- 
Hunter GoodmanColC, OF1B265100--- 
Sonny GrayStLSP 32453659--- 
Josh HaderHouRP 30124206--- 
Rhys HoskinsMil1B 13641001--- 
Ryan JeffersMinC 1082671--- 
George KirbySeaSP 33803032--- 
Matthew LiberatoreStLRP 793247--- 
Francisco LindorNYMSS 58845014--- 
Nick LodoloCinSP 663332--- 
Rhett LowderCinSP 200100--- 
Marcelo MayerBosSSx100100--- 
Mickey MoniakLAAOF 862594--- 
Braden MontgomeryCWSOFx100100--- 
Christian MooreLAA2Bx100100--- 
Christopher MorelTB2B, 3BOF13881207--- 
Reese OlsonDetSP 867595---2025
Andre PallanteStLSP 802528--- 
Kevin ParadaNYMCx100100--- 
Joel PayampsMilRP 12201263--- 
Jose RamirezCle3B 69905400--- 
Jake RogersDetC 671646--- 
Nick SandlinTorRP 836774--- 
Tony SantillanCinRP 176137--- 
Gavin SheetsFA1B, OF 937656--- 
Blake SnellLADSP 26334960--- 
Jorge SolerLAAOF 18241744--- 
Eugenio SuarezAri3B 36023056--- 
Kyle TuckerChCOF 24505344--- 
Enmanuel ValdezPit2B 268173--- 
Randy VasquezSDSP 418200--- 
Andrew VaughnCWS1B 24352422--- 
Alex VesiaLADRP 1885715---2025
Will VestDetRP 811438--- 
Jordan WicksChCSP 201123--- 
Brock WilkenMil3Bx100100--- 

Prospects Roster

These players don't count against your 28-player carryover limit

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract

Roster Limits and Salaries

Roster Minimums Roster Maximums
Category Current Value Category Current Value
Minimum Hitters (15) 26 Hitters over 250 (21) 21
Minimum Pitchers (14) 20 Pitchers over 250 (20) 16
Multiposition players - can fill hitter or pitcher role 0 Players over 250 (35) 37
    Players in minor league (10) 0

Total 45-man Roster Size - minimum 29 - maximum 45

These players don't count against your 40-man limit
Players on IR (max 1): 0 Prospects (max 5): 0
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