Player of
Batter |
Starting Pitcher |
Reliever |
Name |
Team |
Name |
Team |
Name |
Team |
1 | Shohei Ohtani | Chandeliers | Zack Wheeler | Staten Island | Emmanuel Clase | Danbury | 2 | Aaron Judge | Maris | Tarik Skubal | Louisville | Kirby Yates | Louisville | 3 | Bobby Witt Jr. | Maris | Logan Gilbert | Chandeliers | Raisel Iglesias | Polo Grounds | 4 | Juan Soto | Louisville | Logan Webb | Chandeliers | Mason Miller | Kitty Hawk | 5 | Yordan Alvarez | Danbury | Cristopher Sanchez | Louisville | Josh Hader | Chandeliers | 6 | Gunnar Henderson | Zephyr Cove | Dylan Cease | Bronxboro | Ryan Helsley | Maris | 7 | Jarren Duran | Genetic | Aaron Nola | Staten Island | Tyler Holton | Zephyr Cove | 8 | Brent Rooker | House | Ranger Suarez | House | Tanner Scott | Kitty Hawk | 9 | Francisco Lindor | Kitty Hawk | Shota Imanaga | St. Louis | Ryan Walker | Chandeliers | 10 | Jose Ramirez | Staten Island | Max Fried | Staten Island | Jeff Hoffman | Zephyr Cove |
The POY in each category earns 500
thousand Benchwarmer Bucks for his team. 2nd Place earns $250,000
and 3rd earns $100,000. POY Current Standings are determined by the
year-to-date cumulative scores in the Player of the Week standings.
At season's end, this score will count for half of the POY ranking, with
the other half consisting of a ranking of the total statistics for the
entire season. Thus, the Players of the Year will earn their place
through compiling great season stats and for performing consistently
throughout the season.
Note: At the end of the season, the weekly POW scores
were cut down to only the best 22 weeks for each player. So, a
player appearing in all 25 weeks would have his 3 worst weeks cut out of
the score. This helps allow for a bad week or two and also allows
players who visited the DL during the season a better chance to finish
higher in the rankings.